Our projects

Identity Valley is consortium partner in the research project TEAM-X (Trusted Ecosystem of Applied Medical Data eXchange) and as such significantly involved in generating added value for society from health and care data, in which transparently informed patients always retain control over their personal data.

TEAM-X belongs to a range of so called Gaia-X Projects (see also Gaia-X Hub Germany). Gaia-X is a European initiative that develops a digital governance that can be applied to existing technology stacks to obtain transparency, controllability, portability and interoperability across data and services.

The project, funded with €10 million by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, started at the beginning of 2022 and has a duration of 36 months. In addition to Identity Valley, ten other consortium partners are involved in the project. The lead partner is Bayern Innovativ, the Bavarian Society for Innovation and Knowledge Transfer.

Lighthouse Project
Together with the HEALH-X dataLOFT project, which is also funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, TEAM-X was declared a Lighthouse project by Gaia-X in February 2024. Together with other Lighthouse projects, TEAM-X and HEALTH-X dataLOFT are paving the way for transparent, trustworthy and open data exchange.

Identity Valley is partner in the European Union-funded project DRG4FOOD (Digital Responsibility Goals for Food). The aim is to initiate a trustworthy, data-driven food system by integrating the Digital Responsibility Goals (DRGs) framework into design, development and implementation of digital technologies for the food sector.

The €4 million project should serve as a blueprint for a data ecosystem based on responsibility, transparency and trust in the European food supply chain. The project started in October 2022 with a duration of 36 months.